Monday, December 10, 2012


 Anthony Gifford: 'WISE MEN' PART TWO

I've just shared a short video regarding, in part, the Christmas story of the three so-called wise men, and I've been reminded by the folks here in the room that I've left a few things out. So here's a re-cap and a continuation, if you're of a mind to go on with me.
Firstly, what we know and love as the 'Christmas Stories' are not and were never meant to be
understood as history. Like the first eleven chapters in the Jewish scriptures, the Old Testament, they were placed there in two of the gospels as timeless stories that told the eternal truths that were beyond history, that were for all times and all places. Stories for us to enter into, Stories that set the stage for what was to follow.
These stories that we tend to look at as cute and cuddly, for children and nostalgia, are really much more than that. They are stories that if we look at them seriously, really challenge and prod us all. If we aren't listening to them with that seriousness, we are really missing out.
The story we are listening to is about three people who search for more, for what is most important. They look in all the right places, as far as the powers-that-be are concerned. But the answers they seek are not there. Instead, they are found in the poor and helpless. In exactly the opposite as where they were expected. That is where we left off. But there is more.
The men were changed by what they found. In the story, we are simply told that they went home by another way. They didn't return to the palaces or to the officials in society or religion. They went home a new way.. Changed. This is why we now call them 'wise'. They had enough sense to value what they had found. They allowed the new finding and understanding to actually change them. If they had returned by the old path they would have been know as the very first three stooges.
This is a story of warning and hope. The story urges us on one hand to search, to recognize that there is so very much more to life than what we now know, and to follow the star of hope and purpose. But it also reminds us that unless we accept the challenge to change, our journey will be a waste.
I hope that all of us know that there is truly more, and that this 'more' is worth our journey. But if you don't, if you are content, that's OK. Enjoy your lives and do what you can. If you search and follow your star but decide to NOT be changed, but to go back to as you have been, how hard that will be for you, how hard to live with yourself! Don't search for the new because of any guilt. God loves you just as you are. If you search, do it because you want more out of life, because you want to NOT waste any of the gift of life that has been given you, because you want each moment to be the most that it can. Do it because you know that the way we are now living is ruining the world for us and for all of our descendants. Search in the name of what-ever you deem Holy. It makes no difference as to your theology. The DOING and SEARCH is what matters. Search with the understanding that the search is only a beginning, that it will lead to change and challenge, now and forever. The search and change is also the way of joy and hope, the way of life. That in itself is enough, no matter the outcome.
Use this season and this story to lead us. If not, enjoy the season in the old way. It still has a lot of offer. But if you want and need more, it's here for us. Again. Amen!

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