Thursday, December 20, 2012



Today is the eighteenth of December, 2012 and I really need to comment on something light and fun, and maybe useful.
It's great to be at least partially right, once in a while, especially if you're a kid. I don't know about you, but in my childhood memories I was always arguing with my mother over making my bed. “Did you make your bed?” was always asked at the breakfast table. I had the usual rational objections. I'd never agree with her but of course I'd do it eventually. And now I'm living with another woman who I want to please and I'm still making the bed, but with always a bit of inner rebellion over doing this most needless of tasks.
Guess what. I've been right all along (in a small way)! I've just been reading about the millions of very small creepy-crawlies that inhabit our beds, how they live on our dead and discarded skin flakes and how our nightly perspiration of about half a liter of water keeps the whole mini environment going. It turns out that our beds are perhaps the least healthy place in our homes and we spend a third of our lives in them! And we carefully and swiftly enclose the whole set-up as soon as we rise, keeping it all safe, warm and wet. Yuck!
If we would just mess the bed up, better yet, if we would turn back the blankets and air it out carefully, the whole system would dry up and we'd be much better off.
So, kids, you are right! In some cases it's better to be messy! Here's the answer you've been searching for, the knowledge you've had all along. But you still might please your mom by carefully turning back the covers and making it neat. That way you both will be happy, and maybe even, more healthy.
Good luck, good health and good life!  Check this link to see the youtube video for this script.

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